Random Dungeon Generator
Version .68
Refresh the page for a new design. See below the dungeon for more info.
Inkwell Ideas' Other Projects:

- This tile generator has multiple current join points between tile sides. Currently, tiles can be joined by
one opening/corridor in the middle of a side, two corridors equally spaced out on a side or no join points on a side.
- More join points are possible and will be added in the months to come.
- Cavern tiles have just been added. They (or partial cavern tiles) have a darker color for
unused areas. In the near future all tiles will have this distinction o make them clearer.
- Dungeon stocking will also be coming in the next few months. (I write this in June 2010, but I have other projects
that I need to give more of my attention.) Dungeon stocking a tiled random dungeon seemed pretty hard to me initially
but I have an approach in mind that should do at least half the work for a GM.
About: This random dungeon generator is for games like Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS, Hero/Champions, Labyrinth Lord,
Savage Worlds, Castles and Crusades, Basic Fantasy, RuneQuest, Traveller, Pathfinder, and other fantasy and miniatures games.